Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy New School Year!

New Year @ UMD brings resolutions right? Plus with a wedding almost 10 months away gotta have a plan!

So here's my Top 5 New (School) Year Resolutions:

5. Eat breakfast- my friend Robin gave me the recipe for this really yummy yogurt/granola combo (if you want it let me know) and it's healthy and easy to take on the go for 8am studio class!

4. Pay off credit card- It can be done...just have to motivate myself to do it!

3. Drink 1 diet coke a day...unless of course it's an awful day and then I can have 2! :)

2. Workout...I am not going to put a number bc Lord knows I slack so I need some encouragement...or a workout buddy! Any takers?

1. Practice daily! Some days it's just a really good episode of Law & more lunch movie breaks either!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren! So glad to see you blogging!!
    5. You should post Robin's yogurt/granola recipe on your blog. Sounds delicious!
    3. I have been drinking more tea and less Diet Coke lately. Still not down to one can a day, though...
    I am going to steal your resolution idea and post my 5 resolutions on my blog tomorrow! :)
